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This TTS is based on the eSpeak engine.

Input parameters

Parameters Required Default Choices Comment
voice yes all voice installed see the full list with command "espeak --voices=LANGUAGE"
variant no all language installed see the full list with command "espeak --voices=variant"
speed no 160 80 to 450 Speed in words per minute
amplitude no 100 0 to 200 Amplitude
pitch no 50 0 to 99 Pitch adjustment
path no /usr/bin/espeak 0 to 99 Path of espeak
cache no TRUE True if you want to use the cache with this TTS


Espeak package need to be installed

sudo apt-get install espeak

To see the full list of language and voices:

espeak --voices

To see the full list of voices:

espeak --voices=LANGUAGE


espeak --voices=fr
Pty Language Age/Gender VoiceName          File          Other Languages
 5  fr-fr          M  french               fr            (fr 5)
 7  fr             M  french-mbrola-1      mb/mb-fr1
 7  fr             F  french-mbrola-4      mb/mb-fr4
 5  fr-be          M  french-Belgium       europe/fr-be  (fr 8)

Configuration for "7 fr M french-mbrola-1 mb/mb-fr1"

voice: "mb-fr1"

To see the full list of variant:

espeak --voices=variant


espeak --voices=variant
Pty Language Age/Gender VoiceName          File          Other Languages
 5  variant        F  female2              !v/f2
 5  variant        F  female3              !v/f3
 5  variant        F  female4              !v/f4
 5  variant        F  female5              !v/f5
 5  variant        F  female_whisper       !v/whisperf
 5  variant        -  klatt                !v/klatt
 5  variant        -  klatt2               !v/klatt2

Configuration for "5 variant F female3 !v/f3".

voice: "fr"
variant: "f3"

Settings example

default_text_to_speech: "espeak"

    - espeak:
        voice: "fr"
        variant: "f3"