Launch synapses when receiving a message on a topic from a MQTT messaging broker server.
MQTT is a Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. It is mostly used in communication in Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) contexts. The main concept is that a client will publish a message attached to a "topic" to a server called a "broker", and other clients which are interested by the topic will subscribe to it. The broker filters all incoming messages and distributes them accordingly.
Input parameters
parameter | required | default | choices | comment |
broker_ip | YES | IP address of the MQTT broker server | ||
topic | YES | topic name to subscribe | ||
is_json | NO | FALSE | True, False | if true, all received message will be converted into a dict |
broker_port | NO | 1883 | Port of the broker. By default 1883. 8883 when TLS is activated. | |
client_id | NO | kalliope | The client identifier is an identifier of each MQTT client and used by the broker server for identifying the client. Should be unique per broker | |
keepalive | NO | 60 | A time interval in seconds where the clients commits to by sending regular PING Request messages to the broker. | |
username | NO | username for authenticating the client | ||
password | NO | password for authenticating the client | ||
protocol | NO | MQTTv311 | MQTTv31, MQTTv311 | Can be either MQTTv31 or MQTTv311 |
ca_cert | NO | Path to the remote server CA certificate used for securing the transport | ||
certfile | NO | Path to the client certificate file used for authentication | ||
keyfile | NO | Path to the client key file attached to the client certificate | ||
tls_insecure | NO | FALSE | True, False | Set the verification of the server hostname in the server certificate |
Values sent to the synapse
Name | Description | Type | sample |
mqtt_subscriber_message | message received from the broker | string/dict | "on", "off", {"temperature": "25", "humidity": "30"} |
Synapses example
Topic with plain text message
The topic send the status of a light. The received message would be "on" or off"
- name: "test-mqtt-1"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
topic: "topic1"
- say:
- "The light is now {{ mqtt_subscriber_message }}"
Kalliope output example:
The light is now on
Topic with json message
In this example, the topic send a json payload that contain multiple information. E.g: {"temperature": "25", "humidity": "30"}
- name: "test-mqtt-2"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
topic: "topic2"
is_json: True
- say:
- "The temperature is now {{ mqtt_subscriber_message['temperature'] }}, humidity {{ mqtt_subscriber_message['humidity'] percents }}"
Kalliope output example:
The temperature is now 25 degrees, humidity 30%
The broker require authentication
Password authentication
- name: "test-mqtt-3"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
topic: "topic 3"
username: "guest"
password: "guest"
- say:
- "Message received on topic 3"
It's better to use TLS when using password authentication for securing the transport
- name: "test-mqtt-4"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
broker_port: 8883
topic: "topic 4"
username: "guest"
password: "guest"
ca_cert: "/path/to/ca.cert"
tls_insecure: True
- say:
- "Message received on topic 3"
Authentication based on client certificate
- name: "test-mqtt-5"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
broker_port: 8883
topic: "topic 5"
ca_cert: "/path/to/ca.cert"
tls_insecure: True
certfile: "/path/to/client.crt"
keyfile: "/path/to/client.key"
- say:
- "Message received on topic 5"
When you want to use the same broker within your multiple synapses in your brain, you must keep in mind that the configuration must be the same It means that you cannot declare a synapse that use a broker ip with TLS activated, and another synapse that use the same broker ip but without TLS activated. When you declare a "broker_ip", a unique object is created once, then topic are added following all synapses
On the other hand, you can subscribe to multiple topic that use json or not within the same broker ip.
- name: "synapse-mqtt-1"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
topic: "topic1"
is_json: False
- say:
- "I'm started when message on topic 1"
- name: "synapse-mqtt-2"
- mqtt_subscriber:
broker_ip: ""
topic: "topic2"
is_json: True
- say:
- "I'm started when message on topic 2"
Test with rabbitmq-server broker
This part can help you to configure your brain by sending message to a local broker
Install rabbitmq
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server mosquitto-clients
Enable mqtt plugin
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_mqtt
sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
Active web ui (optional)
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Get the cli and make it available to use
sudo mv rabbitmqadmin /etc/rabbitmqadmin
sudo chmod 755 /etc/rabbitmqadmin
Create admin account (when UI installed)
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user admin p@ssw0rd
sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin ".*" ".*" ".*"
Publish message from CLI
Publish a plain text message
mosquitto_pub -t 'my_topic' -m 'message'
Test publish a json message
mosquitto_pub -t 'my_topic' -m '{"test" : "message"}'
Add TLS to rabbitmq
Create root CA
Install openssl
apt-get install openssl
Create PKI structure
mkdir testca
cd testca
echo 01 > serial
Create private key and CA certificate
openssl req -out ca.key -new -x509
Generate server/key pair
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -key server.key -new -out server.req
openssl x509 -req -in server.req -CA ca.crt -CAkey privkey.pem -CAserial serial -out server.crt
Create client certificate/key pair
Create private key
openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048
Create a certificate request
openssl req -key client.key -new -out client.req
Sign the client request with the CA
openssl x509 -req -in client.req -CA ca.cert -CAkey privkey.pem -CAserial serial -out client.crt
Update rabbitmq configuration
Edit (or create if the file is not present) a config file /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
{rabbit, [
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile,"/path/to/ca.cert"},
{rabbitmq_mqtt, [
{ssl_listeners, [8883]},
{tcp_listeners, [1883]}
Restart rabbitmq server to take care of changes
sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server